10th IBCA World Individual Junior Chess Championship for Blind and Visually Impaired

10th IBCA World Individual Junior Chess Championship for Blind and Visually Impaired
Risultato dopo Turno 2

Cognome, Nome Punteggio Pts
1. Czajkowski, Adam 2232 +3 2.0
1. Eichstaedt, Mirko 2190 +3 2.0
1. Aryan B Joshi 1623 +33 2.0
1. Johansson, William 2007 1448 +61 2.0
5. Ermakov, Maksim 1583 +28 2.0
6. Soundarya Kumar Pradhan 1808 -12 1.0
6. Johansson, Tage 2001 1729 -23 1.0
6. Mitrovic, Stefan 1659 1.0
9. Diaz De La Guia, Luis 1718 1.0
10. Mendez Manturano, Miguel Eduardo 1774 -16 1.0
11. Staskeviciute, Darija 1479 -2 1.0
11. Taranenko, Polina 1405 -5 1.0
11. Spionkowski, Fabian 1279 +27 1.0
14. Garanin, Danil 1565 -15 0.0
15. Pergar, Lovro 1483 -34 0.0
15. Tryjańska, Emilia 1045 -6 0.0
15. Atterberg, David 1400 0.0
18. Ambrosino, Theo 1297 -6 0.0