1st Oshwal Nairobi Rapid Chess Championship

Контроль часу


Прізвище, Ім'я Рейтинг Очки
1. Panchol, James Madol 1991 10.0
2. Likoko, Elvis 1697 8.0
3. Gilruth, Peter 2032 7.0
4. Njuki, Gabriel 1657 7.0
5. Marani, Caleb 1457 7.0
Подивитися усіх 39 гравців

Tournament Details

Date: Sunday, 10th April 2022
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: Oshwal Sports Complex, Wambugu Road, Nairobi
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/X6xiJgUoKEXaGrjF7

Format: 10 rounds FIDE-rated Rapid (10+5) Swiss System

Entry fee: Shs 750
Payment details: M-PESA Pay Bill no. 888215 and Account no. 'ONRCC - (Name of player)'
Registration form: https://bit.ly/onrcc


1st Place - Shs 3,000 cash
2nd Place - Shs 2,000 cash
3rd Place - Shs 1,500 cash
Best Lady - Shs 1,000 cash
Best University Player - Shs 750 cash
Best WeCCie - Shs 1,000 cash
Best Junior Male (U18) - Gold medal + Shs 500 gift voucher
Best Junior Female (U18) - Gold medal
Best Junior (U12) - Gold medal

Tiebreak systems:
1. Direct Encounter
2. ARO (average rating of opponents)
3. Rp (Rating performance)
4. Number of wins (with white and black pieces)
5. Buchholz

Rules and regulations:

  1. Entry fees will not be refunded unless the tournament is postponed or cancelled so be sure that you or whoever you are registering will be able to participate on the given day.
  2. Pairings and results of every round will be published on ChessManager.
  3. If a player wishes to withdraw from the tournament at any stage, he/she or his/her parents (for minors) must inform the chief arbiter before the next round is paired.
  4. Players must not have any electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, Kindles, etc.) on them while their games are on. These can be handed over to the arbiter or kept in the player’s bag after being switched off. If a player’s phone rings in the middle of a round, he/she will immediately forfeit the game.
  5. Prizes will not be shared. If players are tied on points at the end of the tournament, the tie-break systems given in the details above will be applied to declare the prize winner(s).
  6. All participants are encouraged to attend the closing ceremony. Prize winners must be present at the closing ceremony to receive their prizes.
  7. Chess boards and clocks will be provided by the organisers.
  8. Covid protocols will be observed at the playing venue.
  9. Food and beverages will be available for sale at the playing venue.


Chief Organiser/Convener: IA Paras Gudka (0711 558 575)

Organising Team Members:

Chief Arbiter: FA Moses Maina
Deputy Chief Arbiter: NA Christine Karoki

Official Photographer: Allan Rongoey

Official Meme Creator: Zayan Zamir
